8U Week 7 Session 1
Warm Up/Activity – 15 minutes
Relay Race
Divide players into two teams and set up a cone 7 yards out. First player from each team dribbles to the cone, goes around the cone, then passes the ball back to the next player. Next player does the same thing. Continue until everyone on the team has finished.
Dribbling Coaching Points:
Make sure players keep head up and look around, taking quick, short dribbles
Encourage players to use all surfaces of both feet
Passing Coaching Points:
ball should stay on the ground
lock ankle
heel down, toe up
use inside of foot to pass to get best control of the ball
plant foot (non kicking foot) even with the ball and pointing in the direction of the pass
Scrimmage – 15 minutes
Split players evenly into teams and let them play
8U Week 7
Session 2
Warm Up/Activity – 15 minutes
Relay Race
Divide players into two teams and set up a cone 7 yards out. First player from each team dribbles to the cone, goes around the cone, then shoots the ball into the goal. Next player does the same thing. Continue until everyone on the team has finished. Keep track of goals scored
Dribbling Coaching Points:
Make sure players keep head up and look around, taking quick, short dribbles
Encourage players to use all surfaces of both feet
Shooting Coaching Points:
Players should avoid using the toe to kick
Ankle locked, toe down so they kick the ball with laces
Follow through in the direction of the shot
Plant foot (non-shooting foot) should be even or just behind the ball
Scrimmage – 15 minutes
Split players evenly into teams and let them play
Download 8U Training Session - Week 7