8U Week 4 Session 1
Warm Up/Activity – 15 minutes
Hungry Hungry Hippos (sometimes called Sharks and Minnows and other names)
Players line up on one end of the field each with a ball. One player in the middle “channel” without a ball is the hungry hippo. On coach's signal, players try to dribble across the field to the other side. The hungry hippo tries to touch the players ball – if the ball is touched, that player becomes another hungry hippo. When players reach the other side, they wait for the coach's signal to dribble back to the other side. Continue until all players become hippos and start again.
Coaching Points:
Encourage players to look for open space to dribble
Encourage players to try moves to fake out the hippo
Encourage players to use speed when they pass the hippo
Dribble with head up and look around
Scrimmage – 15 minutes
Split players evenly into teams and let them play
8U Week 4 Session 2
Warm Up / Activity– 15 minutes
Supermarket Sweep
Split the group into two teams and each player with a ball. Scatter cones approximately 20 yards away which represent items at the grocery store. Players must dribble their ball (their shopping cart) up to the item (cone) , pick it up and bring it back to the coach telling the coach what it is – for example ice cream, cake, hot dogs, etc. Once all the items at the grocery store have been picked up, the coach counts up the number of items for each team and the team with the most items wins.
Coaching Points:
Encourage players to look for open space to dribble
Encourage players to try moves
Encourage players to change their pace of dribbling
Dribble with head up and look around
Scrimmage – 15 minutes
Split players evenly into teams and let them play
Download 8U Training Session - Week 4
8U Technical Video - Dribbling